Geology and Geotechnics
Le indagini ed i monitoraggi geologici e geotecnici, indispensabili ai fini di una corretta ed adeguata progettazione delle opere di ingegneria fin dall’emanazione del vecchio D.M. 11/3/1988 e s.m.e.i., rappresentano altresì attività chiave in tutti quei casi in cui interventi di consolidamento strutturale, di recupero e ripristino statico, e di realizzazione di infrastrutture interrate nel sottosuolo, risultino subordinati alla conoscenza della natura e delle caratteristiche tecniche dei terreni costituenti il sottosuolo, ed al controllo di parametri geotecnici nel tempo.
For example, "monitoring", understood as the control of the evolution of a phenomenon with measurements made over time, represents an irreplaceable means, both of investigation and of verification, used both in advance of design and during construction, is in operation. The "Technical Standards for Construction" introduced by the Ministerial Decree 14/01/2008 and updated by the D.M. 17/01/2018, in the chapter concerning the works interacting with the subsoil, for interventions in the land and for the safety of the slopes, prescribe the use of the monitoring of the work-ground complex before, during and after the construction of the artifact, to check the correspondence between the design hypotheses and the observed behaviors, and the behavior of the works over time.
In situ investigations:
– surveys and conditioning of Stratigraphic
– undisturbed sampling
-permeability tests LUGEON and LEFRANC
- Pressuremeter tests in boreholes
- Prove in forum dilatometriche
– prove penetrometriche SPT (Standard Penetration Test)
– prove penetrometriche statiche CPT (Cone Penetration Test), punta elettrica (CPTE) e piezocono (CPTU)
– prove penetrometriche continue dinamiche DPM e DPSH (Dynamic Probing Super Heavy)
– load tests on plate
– in-situ CBR
Perforations to destruction and core conditioning of boreholes;
Geotechnical laboratory tests on rocks and Lands;
Diagraphics and automatic control of drilling parameters (DAC test) with datalogger;
Polls and surveys to archaeological significance stratigraphic;
Digital thematic cartography to environmental studies, for use of town planning, territorial and soil conservation with the use of GIS (Geographic Information System);
Monitoring of geotechnical parameters: (groundwater levels, soil deformations, displacements and inclinations).
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