Basic relief and topography
The reliefs and surveys – traditionally used in the study of anthropogenic and surface forms – have long strategic importance in many technical applications in the various sectors of the civil and environmental engineering. The GEOTEC offers many services relating to the basic surveys (metric, topographical, architectural, photogrammetric, Geomechanical and structural) and topography applied to designing engineering structures, or monitoring the phenomena of instability (foundational failure, landslide areas, etc.).
In addition, you can produce, even through the most modern technologies available on the market today such as 3D laser scanning survey services and processing of 3D data for designing interventions on buildings or equipment indoors. There are many applications of topographic techniques, traditional or 3D laser scanner, for the study and monitoring of the phenomena of degradation of existing structures, such as monuments or buildings in General.
Finally, in metropolitan areas such as complex of large urban centres, where intense activity of underground excavation for various purposes (man-made caves, tunnels, underground tunnels) can produce problems to surface facilities, the topographic surveys traditional precision or 3D laser scanner, enable, through the definition of forms and volumes involved, to prevent or monitor potential failure and instabilityor contribute to the choice of the best solutions for optimal management of underground environments.
Metric measurements, materials and architecture in General.
Reliefs and structural monitoring with topographic techniques.
Surveying the State of decay of buildings and monuments.
Plano-altimetric surveys with traditional techniques and instruments (total station, GPS, electronic level).
Reliefs with 3D Laser Scanning methodology.
Georeferenziazioni instrumented and GPS (Global Position System).
Levelling compound, simple and highly accurate.
Underground surveys hypogea and man-made cavities.
Tracking Executive jobs: roads, railways, power lines, pipelines, water pipelines.
Photogrammetric surveys and integrated 3D laser scanning.
Sounding, surveys of river beds and port areas.
Geomechanical survey and rocky fronts.
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