The enactment of Ministerial Decree No. 471/99 and the subsequent legislative decree 152/2006 has contributed significantly to the most modern analytical techniques, environmental monitoring and remediation for contaminated sites, representing today one of the main applications of geognostic surveys for environmental purposes.
This action area is associated with the traditional activities of environmental protection, due to the high risks associated with disasters more frequent on our territory (volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, floods, landslides, etc.) and/or incorrect planning. Among these activities, geostrutturali and geomechanical surveys, both in underground wall, are adequate for the purposes of the fundamental design of defence works and stabilization of slopes and/or unstable cavity.
Refraction seismics;
Geophysical prospecting "M.A.S.W.";
Seismic tomography with "tomo kit" for structural investigations noninvasive;
Georadar survey (Ground Probing Radar);
magnetometric surveys;
Seismic tomography and 2D and 3D electrical;
Seismic tests in type down-hole hole and cross-hole;
Cross-hole seismic tomography;
Passive seismic investigations with method of micro-earthquakes or "Refraction Microtremor" ("Oars").
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