Date: May 2015
In order to evaluate the mechanical properties and the carrying capacity of the walls of the bell tower of the Cathedral of Amalfi, Geotec, on behalf of the Archdiocese of Amalfi, in the person of the Bursar Msgr. Luigi Colavolpe, he performed a series of structural and geological surveys such as: tests with the use of flat jacks, Both with single jack, for the on-site verification of the loads imposed on paramenti murariche, that with the technique of double cylinder, for the evaluation of the compressive strength and deformability characteristics of various wall structures investigated; Endoscopic investigations for verification of the nature, the conditions and the continuity of the walls and / or structures in general; Thermographic survey with infrared camera aimed at analyzing the homogeneity of the walls examined and the identification of phenomena of detachment actual or potential; Finally, they were erseguiti No. 2 stendimenti seismic type MASW to determine the parameter Vs30 and for the evaluation of local seismic risk.
– Reports of returning an endoscopic investigation ’
– Example of a test with double flat jacks
– Plants with the ’ location of investigations performed
- Flat jacks - Single
- Flat jacks - Dual
- endoscopy