Geognostic and environmental surveys
Long geological and geotechnical investigations have taken on a crucial role for the purposes of territorial and urban planning, for the study and solution of instability of buildings, as part of preliminary checks the recovery of monumental complexes in the use and soil conservation and, in General, in the context of any intervention on the territory.
Then, in recent years an increasing sensitivity to the protection of the main environmental media (surface water and groundwater, soil and subsoil, air) has in fact opened new horizons for applying traditional investigation techniques of the subsoil by means of geophysical and slope.
In this context, the company provides integrated services in various fields of geology and Geophysics technique applied to engineering and the environment (soil investigation, geophysical, hydrogeological and geotechnical in situ and laboratory, geo-archaeological investigations and geo-environmental); perform pumping tests and monitors for hydrogeological purposes and is able to arrange all the main types of trials and tests for modeling and geological characterization, technical and geological environment.
Geology and Geotechnics | details
Environmental geology and soil conservation | details
Geophysics | details
Forensic geology | details
Hydrogeology | details
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