Date: August 2013
| As part of the works included in the Big Project "Completion of the rehabilitation and recovery of the Sarno River," promoted by the Region of Campania, the ARCADIS relied on Geotec performing topographic survey, geological surveys and archaeological preparatory to the design of the intervention of "Accommodation Hydraulic Sarno River upstream of the "cross" of Pompeii ", in prov. Salerno. In detail were performed No. 5 geognostic tests spt in photos and undisturbed sampling, No. 5 seismic tests in the hole "down hole", No. 4 static penetration tests CPT, No. 5 archaeological essays, several essays cognitive for the definition of the types of some artifacts seabed immediately close to the banks of the river; Finally, it ran a topographic base with technical celerimetrica and / or GPS track river of interest.
- Card stratigraphic
– Report prove C.P.T.